tis mofo named yuviko... | 2shymightdieIMJKING | its all shits and giggles til somebody giggles and shits | lonely world | girlypop ako

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you are vistor #:

♬ birrathegunslinger - GUNSLINGER ♬

[ yuviko | infp-t | she/her ]

3/4ths GONE BUT 1/4ths KINDA HERE

welcome 2 yuvikos safe haven
for more about me + fun stuff,
click this button below

*about the site*

i made this cause i was
bored and 2000s internet culture caught
my eye so i started experimenting
with neocities. wanted to express myself through my own personal site
instead of drawing cuz that started hurting my hands
But idk why tf i thought this typing code shit wuz any better than drawing.
Idfk. i draw anyway and cant help it


site updated 1/31/24
i will have a resource page up but i need to make my own icons and stuff!!
It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!
click to feed

yuviko 2019-2024©

^check out these cool ass artists^